Welcome to Year 6 Golden Eagles Class!
Teacher: Mr Hepburn
Teaching Assistants: Mr Penberthy & Mr Notice
For this half-term year 6 have their PE days on Thursday & Friday
Welcome to the Year 6 Golden Eagle Class
On this page you will find the following information:
1. Curriculum for the year.
2. End of year objectives (what the children should know by the end of the year).
3. Work expectations.
4. Blended learning (work for your child if they are absent or the class/school has been closed due to coronavirus).
5. Video for parents on transition from primary to secondary school (please scroll to the very bottom of the page).
Part 1: Curriculum for the year ahead
End of year objectives (what children should know by the end of Year 6!)
Work Expectations
Children in Year 6 are expected to produce legible, cursive handwriting with consistent letter size. Handwriting should maintain this high level of presentation in all work books.
At Meadlands, we expect the children to take great pride and care with all their written work. At the start of the year, a maths lesson is dedicated to the reminding the children how to set out their math's work, so that the layout is consistent across the year group.
Our expectations around layout is:
1. Use of a margin - 2 squares wide.
2. All headings and sub-headings underlined with a ruler.
3. Any diagrams drawn using a ruler.
4. All maths work completed in pencil, or purple pen for responding to marking or completing reasoning and problem solving work.
5. A digit per maths square.
Moving on to secondary school.
Please see below a link to a video to support parents support their child with the transition from year 6 to year 7