We are proud of our reputation within the borough as a 'truly inclusive school' and the support we offer to pupils with SEND here at Meadlands. This involves a range of adjustments to provision or interventions to support those experiencing difficulties with any aspect of their learning or school life, for example speech and language, literacy skills, working memory, or social and emotional understanding. We are passionate about intervening early and have strong and effective partnerships with local agencies to ensure our pupils have the support they need, when they need it most.
Additional support is overseen by Mrs Tadman and delivered by a dedicated team of experienced teachers and learning support/teaching assistants (LSA/TAs), specialist therapists, and our pastoral lead Mrs Chapman. Support is personalised to meet the needs of each child and to ensure they are truly ‘included’ in all aspects of school life.
We warmly welcome conversations with parents and carers about their child's difficulties or the support they are receiving, and are passionate about ensuring children are at the heart of all decision making and that their voices are heard too – in whatever form this might take.
We want all of our children to be happy and to thrive at school. We have high expectations of our pupils with SEND and work in partnership with families and other professionals to ensure they achieve their very best and of course dream big!
Local Support and Advice for Families
Below, you will find links and information regarding some of the main avenues of support locally for parents and families of children with SEND. Further detail on the support offered at Meadlands and in the local community can be found in the SEND Information Report, at the bottom of this page.
SEND Local Offer for Kingston and Richmond - www.kr.afcinfo.org.uk/local_offer
This is a website containing information about services and support for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, in Kingston and Richmond. If you don’t live in Kingston or Richmond, your home local authority will have a Local Offer on their council website.
Richmond Parent Carer Forum - www.richmondpcf.org.uk or www.facebook.com/richmondpcf/
Richmond Parent Carer Forum (PCF) is an independent group run by parents and for parents or carers of children/young people (aged 0 – 25 years) who have any form of special educational need or disability. Your child does not need an official diagnosis for you to become a member, and PCF support families of children with any type of additional need including learning difficulties like dyslexia.
PCF receive funding from the Department for Education and their purpose is to ensure that the voices of parents, children and young people are heard in the planning and implementation of SEND services in Richmond. PCF can also help you to access services and provide valuable peer support, connecting you with other parents who understand the special joys and challenges of raising a family with additional needs.
Email: Information@richmondpcf.org.uk
SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS) - https://www.kids.org.uk/richmond-and-kingston-sendiass
The Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) in Kingston and Richmond offers advice and support across a wide range of subjects. This may include help with personal budgets and how to use the Local Offer, plus:
These services offer advice to children and young people as well as parents and carers.
Phone: 020 3793 9596 / Email: RichmondKingston@kids.org.uk
SEND Information Report and Policy
Please see our policies page.