Welcome to Reception Atlantic Puffins Class!
Teacher: Miss Cooper
HLTA: Mrs Spicer
TA: Mrs Sanchez
Our PE days this term will be Tuesday & Friday (Dance)
Forest School on Mondays
Welcome to the Reception Atlantic Puffins Class.
On this page you will find the following information:
1. Curriculum for the year.
2. End of year objectives (what the children should know by the end of the year).
3. Work expectations.
4. Blended learning (work for your child if they are absent or the class/school has been closed due to coronavirus).
Part 1: Curriculum for the year ahead.
Part 2: End of year objectives (what children need to know by the end or Reception year).
Part 3: Work Expectations.
Part 4: Blended Learning
If your child is absent but waiting for a coronavirus test result to return to school or having to self isolate due to symptomatic household members, then they can access school work on their class page right here! Work will be uploaded every Monday morning. Children are expected to follow the timetable and complete the lessons in their Meadlands-at-Home books, returning these to their class teacher, once they are able to return to school.
If the class or school is having to isolate we will be in touch with you regarding how to access the Google Classroom learning.
For more information, please refer to our Blended Learning Policy.
Parents & carers, if your child is isolating and completing work from home, the following websites can supplement the work we have provided. These are easy to access and navigate and you will find video lessons and video clips which support the learning that the teachers have provided:
Oak National Academy provides video lessons for reception up to Year 6 https://www.thenational.academy/
BBC Bitesize provides primary resources for children https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Summer Term
Week beginning 19 July 2021
Week beginning 12 July 2021
Week beginning 5 July 2021
Week beginning 28 June 2021
Week beginning 21 June 2021
Week beginning 14 June 2021
Week beginning 8 June 2021
Week beginning 24 May 2021
Week beginning 17 May 2021
Week beginning 10 May 2021
Week beginning 4 May 2021
Week beginning 26 April 2021
From the 5th January 2021 school will be closed
and we will be starting Meadlands-at-Home.
Please log on to the Reception web page every day for Miss Tadman's daily letter and pre-recorded number and phonic videos.
Blended Learning March - July 2020
Parents and Carers of children in Reception Class. Miss Tadman will update this page every morning by 9am with instructions for the day of learning. Please make sure you read her letter and complete the work. If you have any questions please email Miss Tadman and she will do her best to reply to you.
To help you explain to your child why the school has closed please read Miss Tadman's social story together.
Blended Learning: Music Lessons
Complete your music lesson, you can find the instructions from Mrs Pearman here: Music Page
Blended Learning: PSHE and Pastoral
Follow Miss Davies' advice on keeping calm, happy and safe whilst at home. Make sure you complete her 30 minute whole school PSHE/Mindfulness activity, 1 a day whilst at home: Pastoral Page