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History Action Plan - Click here


Our JLT work alongside Mrs Wreford to shape the history experiences in school and to inspire others with their enthusiasm for this subject.  


I love history because it gives you a chance to go on an adventure to the past and learn how our country has had some amazing leaders. I find it fascinating to learn about the past and how it has impacted our everyday lives. History is so interesting and sometimes, also shocking. Personally, I’ve loved learning about World War 2 and how the roles of women adapted. History is like a time machine transporting you to your destination.



I love History because there are may interesting things to learn. You can learn how life was different in the past and about the people who lived before us. I enjoy learning lots of different facts about History and I love listening to the stories of the past.



I love history because small things can cause bigger things to prevent and create problems or solutions. It also inspires me because history includes people who did things that everyone said they couldn’t, just proving that anyone can do anything. History can change and teach the world today as it prevents the mistakes of the past happening again. History is full of interesting stories. For example, I have learned about World War Two and some of the stories are so sad and some are amazing that it seems impossible that they could ever have happened. Hearing stories from my grandpa about his experiences in the war makes me realise how history affects us all.



Link to History Policy



At Meadlands, we understand that history is all around us. By studying the past, we inspire curiosity, critical thinking and analysis. History encourages debate and investigation; it develops our empathy. The skills we derive from studying history are transferable and influence our own lives. The intent of our History curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more.


‘Ultimately, there’s something in the study of history for everybody because it’s everything that’s ever happened.’  Lipscombe, 2013



History is taught in blocks every term. The curriculum is arranged so that the units are taught broadly in chronological order to give the children on overall sense of the passing of time. Units of history are taught in line with the National Curriculum programmes of study. Teachers carefully plan units according to our subject Knowledge Organisers, which ensure progression of history knowledge and skills, and acquisition of key vocabulary. As each unit of history progresses, children fill in a Learning Journey to recall and summarise what they have learned.

The perfect history lesson comprises a mixture of substantive and disciplinary knowledge, leading to enquiry. Teachers may use artefacts  or a “History Mystery” to prompt an enquiry, spark an interest  or to start a lesson or history topic.







Young children are naturally curious about the world around them and this is a vital time to begin to embed important aspects of historical learning such as asking and answering questions, understanding historical vocabulary, and using role play. History in early years is embedded into the area “Understanding the World”.


By the time children leave reception, they should:

• Talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members

• Know about the similarities and differences between themselves and others, among families, communities and traditions

• Know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things

• Talk about the features of their own environment


Yearly Overviews


Year 1

Changes in living memory: Queen Elizabeth II

A local study – Ham House

Explorers of the sky

Year 2

The Great Fire of London

Women in History

Explorers of the seas and skies

Year 3

From Stone Age to Iron Age

Study of Ancient Egypt

The impact of the Romans on Britain

Year 4

The study of Ancient Greece

The Anglo-Saxons arrival in Britain

The Vikings

Year 5

The ancient kingdom of Benin

The Tudors (local study)

The History of the Technological Age and Business Enterprise

Year 6

World War Two

The Victorians






Our young historians will gain a range of skills as they progress through the key stages, providing a rich and varied experience of our history curriculum, which not only provides facts and figures but also analysis and evaluation and an appreciation of how the past can shape the present and the future.




History Heroes

For each unit of history taught, we celebrate the lives of individuals who have made a difference. Here are just a few of our History Heroes:

Heroes Gallery

Examples of Work


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


  • Children will know more, remember more, and understand more about history.
  • Children will gain a love of history and a respect for the past.
  • Children will understand and use the key skills of chronological understanding, knowledge and understanding of events in the past, historical interpretation, historical enquiry and organisation and communication.
  • As historians, children will make connections with their own lives and learn lessons from history to influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future.


History Celebrations


Door Competition 2021

As part of the JLT’s action plan, we are holding a “Time Machine” door competition for the whole school. This will involve decorating each class door with the theme of one of their history units studied this year.  Check back here for pictures of the doors and the competition results!
