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We have been running LAMDA lessons and clubs for a number of years at Meadlands and as a result the performance arts have flourished - as we see in our school assemblies, summer and mid-year shows and community events.  Louise Lipton is our LAMDA teacher and this is what she has to say about her work with our children: 


LAMDA  is the oldest Drama school in the UK and examinations in Speech and Drama have been offered to the public for over 130 years. 

LAMDA covers Dramatic acting, poetry, prose, devising, mime, public speaking, musical theatre and much more! There is a wide range of examinations to take.


At Meadlands we concentrate on Speech and Drama, Verse, Choral Speaking and Acting. But really we can do anything! Working with Drama helps children, whatever their age or aspirations, to develop a wide range of skills that help to serve them through life. Our work helps children to read more confidently and fluently. Looking at texts and asking questions expands vocabulary, comprehension, expression and understanding of people, relationships and why we do things.


The examination process helps with recall and memorisation. There are opportunities to formally present work, create and defend points of view and engage in informal conversations with new people. All necessary skills that can be applied to a world of business and industry and well as a career in the Arts.


Working on their own or together with a partner or as an ensemble, our LAMDA provides vital communication skills, much needed anywhere.

I hope to nurture a love of storytelling, poetry and drama through our sessions. Exploring an emotional canvas too from comedy to more poignant subjects.  Lifting  words off the page and becoming spoken can oftentimes unlock the mystery of  the written word too.


Our high results speak for themselves; and the unbridled joy children bring to class their work shows the love children have connecting with  drama and stories. 
