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Ethos & Values


Behaviour at Meadlands has been graded Good. Our school motto is ‘Work Hard & Be Kind’ — in fact we dedicate a whole school week to kindness, see below.



We have high expectations of pupil’s behaviour and staff conduct. Visitors often comment about the family atmosphere in our school and inspectors have identified the strong relationships between adults and children, built on mutual respect. For more information on our behaviour system please refer to our behaviour policy.



We have eight school values, chosen by the school community, which we all, pupils and staff alike, are expected to demonstrate every single day:


  • Motivation
  • Independence
  • Initiative
  • Resilience
  • Curiosity
  • Imagination
  • Determination
  • Kindness


Celebrating pupils Pupils are celebrated at school in a wide variety of ways. On our wall of wonder we post photographs of pupils who have achieved something special outside school, e.g, passing a ballet exam or learning to ride a bike. Each class has a ‘Warrior Board’ which celebrates resilience and the importance of learning from a mistake ('Be a warrior not a worrier'). In our weekly celebration assemblies, pupils are awarded certificates, stickers and, sometimes, school badges. Each term, children who have achieved something really special (once again, this can range from an improvement in behaviour to consistently good homework) are nominated by a member of staff to join the Headteacher for afternoon tea. This is a wonderful afternoon because a group of children from across the school come together to talk about their successes and are truly celebrated.
