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School Uniform

School Uniform


At Meadlands we have a compulsory  school uniform and PE uniform for all pupils from Reception to year 6 and it is very smart! Uniform is available to buy from MAPAC, click here for their website. MAPAC is the only provider for our PE kit and the school jumper and polo. Other items, such as the skirt, trousers or shirt can be bought from many high street providers such as Tesco, Sainsbury's and Marks and Spencer's.  




The school uniform consists of the following:


Uniform List:

  • Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • White polo shirt with school logo

  • Grey or black trousers

  • Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress

  • Green gingham summer dress (summer term only)

  • Grey or black school uniform shorts (summer term only)

  • Grey or black hijab

  • Black (plain) flat sensible shoes no boots or trainers

  • White or black sandals (summer term only)

  • Black or dark grey tights / Black, grey or white socks

  • Book Bag with school logo (optional) 


PE Kit

  • Bottle green tracksuit with school logo  

  • Yellow PE shirt with school logo

  • Bottle green school PE shorts (unisex)

  • Bottle green school PE skort (optional)

  • Dark trainers (as plain as possible please) – to be worn all day

  • White ankle sport socks or bottle green knee high sport socks


Pupils wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE lessons; this includes swimming lessons, yoga, dance and boxing. Your class teacher will let you know which days these are at the start of term. Children are permitted to wear their own PE clothes for before or after school clubs, but this should be appropriate to the weather.


Jewellery: Pupils should not wear jewellery to school. Small stud earrings are acceptable. Please note that the school will not take any responsibility for jewellery that is lost.


Watches: We encourage pupils to wear watches from Year 3 upwards. Please ensure that these are analogue watches and not digital as this really helps with time teaching and learning in class. During PE lessons watches must be removed and given to the PE teacher for safekeeping. Please note that the school will not take any responsibility for watches that are lost.


Hair and Make Up: No make-up or nail varnish should be worn to school. If pupils come to school with nail varnish they will be expected to remove it. Any pupils with shoulder length hair are expected to tie their hair up. No special hair bands should be worn to school as these can be easily lost or broken. Please ensure that hair bands and alice bands are in the following colours: white, black, green or yellow.


Purchasing School Uniform: If you would like help with ordering from MAPAC please speak to Miss Watts in the school office. If you need financial support with purchasing uniform please speak to the School Business Manager, Mrs Gee.


Children with Special Educational Needs: We understand that some of our children have sensory needs or may suffer from specific skin conditions. Please make an appointment to speak to our SENDCo, if you are concerned about the impact that our uniform material might have on your child. 

