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Below are some frequently asked questions about our provision, along with our responses. Following this if you would like a tour of the school or still have some unanswered queries please email the school office to make an appointment.


What is the full offer to families with preschool children?

Our highly successful nursery offers parents a choice of three options:


Fully-funded morning place                            08.30 – 11.30

Fully-funded afternoon place                          12.30 – 15.30

Part-funded full day @ £110 per week            08.30 – 15.30


The cost of a full day is inclusive of a hot lunch in our dining hall. You are welcome to take between 1 and 5 full days if you wish. Each full day session is charged at £22 which covers the additional 4 hours which are not funded by the local authority. Please note we do not currently offer the 30 hours provision.


We welcome payment of any fees by childcare vouchers or through the tax free childcare scheme. Fees are paid half termly in advance.


How can I apply for a place in the school Nursery? 

There are 26 spaces available in the morning and 26 in the afternoon. Children may be admitted from the day of their 3rd birthday or anytime thereafter, spaces permitting. For further information regarding admissions please see here.

Please note we do offer a waiting list so you are able to register interest in a place for your child before their 3rd birthday if you so wish. 

Please read more about applications on our admissions page, click here.


How do the morning and afternoon sessions run? 

Here at Meadlands we run two Nursery sessions: the morning session runs from 8.30am until 11.30am and the afternoon session runs from 12.30pm until 3.30pm. We also offer some full time places at an additional cost which includes their school lunch. 

Each session has a similar timetable so that the children all receive the same learning whether they are the morning or afternoon group! Those children who stay for the full day have a differentiated approach in the afternoon, rather than repeating the same activities so they have the chance to deepen understanding and skill though separate work with the teacher or support staff.


What is the Nursery curriculum, what will my child learn?

We follow the national Early Years curriculum, take a look at our Nursery class page for examples and further detail on the curriculum offer, click here 

However, in brief, each half term the Nursery children have a different topic and this can be inspired by their own interests or from pre-set topics which we know engage everyone from prehistoric dinosaurs to pirates and to people who help us.

Learning is a combination of child initiated through role play and self selection of activity in the classroom, to teacher focused which is tailored to each individual's starting point and needs.


We have whole class carpet time, early reading, phonics, number work and early writing. Independent learning may be at tables in the classroom or activities outside. Children in our Nursery really make the most of our extensive grounds and have at least 1 Forest School session in our own forest space each week.


The children in Nursery also benefit from specialist arts teachers who also work in other year groups in the school. This includes a music teacher, every child in Nursery has their own ukulele and is learning to be part of a ukulele orchestra! A drama teacher supports groups of children with their speaking and listening skills through small group story telling. We have a fabulous dance and yoga teacher too! You will get to see the results of their hard work in assembly performances and our monthly book looks!


What are the wrap around care facilities at the school? 

We offer a breakfast club in school, Monday to Friday from 7.45 each morning. At 8.30 a member of staff from our Nursery team will collect your child and settle them into their class for the day ahead! For more details and information on how to book your child into breakfast club, please click here 


How will I know whether my child is settled and enjoying their time in Nursery? 

By speaking to us! We pride ourselves on our very honest and positive relationship with our parents and try to find ways to include you as much as possible in school life. Nursery staff will always be available to talk to parents about their child's progress and this is in addition to the termly parent-teacher meetings and end of year annual reports. 


We will always let you know if your child has had a great day and making leaps of progress in their learning but similarly if an incident or any issues occur in school that we need your help with we will tell you! In addition to this parents are always welcome to share with us anything that might be happening at home that could impact upon their children's wellbeing as there are many staff members or friends of Meadlands who may be able to offer advice or support. We want the best for your child and know that a good relationship with parents is one way we will achieve this. 


Do take a look at our SEND pages if your child has additional needs or you feel that they might be showing signs of delay in their early milestones of development, you are also welcome to meet with our SENDCo in advance to starting your child with us. Click here


What equipment does my child need for school? 

School uniform for Nursery children is optional! If your child would like to wear uniform all details can be found here. Otherwise comfy clothing that you don't mind getting a bit messy is perfectly fine! 


Your child will need to bring a bag with them for their outdoor clothing, wellington boots and overalls - as well as their school reading book and named water bottle.


Children do not need to bring a snack to school with them as we provide free fruit both in the morning and the afternoon. 


Are there any conditions around accessing the Nursery offer? 

We ask that once you have confirmed and accepted a place with us this is taken up on the date of entry. If there are any changes in circumstances you must let the school office know immediately.  


Contact details

Please contact the school office on if you are interested in a place for your child.
